- Categories: Uncategorized
- 12/12/2024
From: Ferne Hearn
Subject: [URGENT] Your Google Maps needs to be fixed.
Message Body:
Hi, I found your website on Google Maps and I gotta say that its not really set up well. I think you’re missing out on a ton of leads by not implementing a few quick tweaks to google maps that could really help. Luckily, I created a course that’ll get you configured in just 90 minutes.
I also noticed that your page search engine settings could use some love.
Here’s the deal , if you buy my course on configuring Google Maps for only $27, I’ll throw in a detailed SEO report tailored for your website at no extra charge. It s a great deal, you fix the maps and the SEO at the same time.
When you buy the course, just hit reply on the confirmation email and say “Hey I want the SEO analysis for my site: [yourwebsite.com] ” I will deliver it in 2-3 days.
Get the course here: https://unlimitedclientengine.com
JP, at
Unlimited Client Engine
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on ABP TAXI (https://www.abptaxi.com)
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