- Categories: Uncategorized
- 21/01/2023
From: Micah Shaw
Subject: Receive up to $26,000 per employee
Message Body:
I’m checking in to see if your company has applied for the Employee Retention Credit. ERC is a refund in the form of a grant and can return up to $26,000 per employee on W2 ($10,000 is the average) depending on wages, health care and other personnel expenses business owners have already paid.
The entire process is made very simple and handled by experts at our firm Bottom Line Concepts from beginning to end. With 14 years of experience, we have already recovered over $2.1 billion in ERC refunds for 13,000+ businesses just like yours in just the last 14 months!
Essentially all businesses qualify for ERC unlike PPP loans since you don’t have to show a decline in revenues but if you do have a decline the grant is automatic. Please pass this along to anyone you may think would be interested. A requirement of the grant eligibility is to be less than 500 employees per Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN).
Claim your ERC Refund Now – See how much you will get: http://ERCBusinessTaxCredits.com
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on ABP TAXI (https://www.abptaxi.com)
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