ABP TAXI “Quick question for you”

From: Ella Muscio
Subject: Quick question for you

Message Body:
Want To Eliminate Employee Complaints, Want To Be Known As The Gold Standard In Employee Satisfaction? Our 2 Hr. Compliance Training Is The Only One Nationally Recognized For How We Create This Dynamic For You.

Schedule a Call or email us, tell us your specific needs, this will allow us to briefly explain how we can meet your specific needs and do so for you with just one 2Hr. compliance training.

We can deliver our program in 3 languages on demand, English, Spanish, and Chinese.

We can deliver our program for you using any of these four methods:

1. On-site Group Training (Excellent Learning Format)
2. Virtual Live (Zoom) Group Training (This is our Most Popular, Cost Effective Training Model While Still Allowing For Dynamic Engagement)
3. Pre-Recorded or Self Paced Training (Most popular For Onboarding New Employees)
4. Corrective Action Awareness Program (This Is Our One-To-One Personalized Instruction For An Employee Who Needs To Understand They Need To Change Their Conduct Or Behavior Or Risk Employment Termination, This Is An Excellent Service For a Company To Mitigate Its Potential Liability)

The latest National statistics show employee workplace complaints are dramatically up and workplace satisfaction is way down, this is costing company’s, organizations hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars in lost revenue due to employee retention issues and legal actions. Do not be a statistic, we are giving you the solution here.

Get in touch with us today to schedule a brief call: https://bit.ly/harassmentcompliancetraining

A special offer for you – if you get in touch with us and a training is scheduled in the near future we will reduce the training fee by 25% through December 31st 2023.

Harassment Compliance Training LLC.

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on ABP TAXI (https://www.abptaxi.com)

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