- Categories: Uncategorized
- 08/03/2023
From: Keisha Akhurst
Subject: Quick Question
Message Body:
Hi there, I am Paola. Im a stay at home mom and i help promote only the best softwares products that have made my life easier as a business owner. Im hoping it can do the same for you.
Just to be honest and tranparent. I do get a small portion of the sales when and if you sign up.
Which const your nothing but helps me keep doing what I love and being a stay at home mom.
I have nothing to sell you 🙂 With that out of the way, today i want you to look at supersend. https://bit.ly/SuperSends
Supersend is an Email, Linkedin and twitter customer outbound platform. Its easy, simple and extremely cost-effective use. Sales navigator alone costs more!
Why should you use it, and what should you expect? More time on your hands nd customers wanting to work with you.
Take a moment to think of this scenario. -Imagine you had an assistant that helped you send emails, start conversations on linkedin and twitter? How much would free up your time?
Oh dont know what to say? Dont worry, just as the AI writer to help come up with something slick to say!
Its one of the most complete platforms to reach out to new and old customers with a few clicks across Email, Linkedin and Twitter.
• Email warmup
• Email validator*This alone is very expensive
• Unified inbox
• Inbox rotation
• AI writer and more!
Moreover, they are disconting the entry price and it has a 14-day free trial! If you dont like it, no worries… just cancel it. no questions asked…i asked for you 🙂
Check it out here: https://bit.ly/SuperSends
Once you start using it, you will see the difference in how fast you scale your business.
Best of luck,
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on ABP TAXI (https://www.abptaxi.com)
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