ABP TAXI “Content Assistance for abptaxi.com”

From: Michael
Subject: Content Assistance for abptaxi.com

Message Body:
Hi there,

Whether you know it or not, the greatest social signals in the world are comments.

They may seem small and unimportant to some, but savvy content creators know that it is a surefire way to increase Traffic and Engagement.

Likes, hearts and smileys are all fine & dandy, but they can never compare to the Power of a Relevant Comment.

So if you want to dust your competition while experiencing all the benefits of relevant comments on your site, just Google: bulkcomments net – or contact me for a Free Sample.

BulkComments (BCN)

This e-mail was sent from a contact form on ABP TAXI (https://www.abptaxi.com)

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