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- 18/03/2024
From: Landon Sixsmith
Subject: Big-Tech Just Made a Terrible Mistake With AI
Message Body:
2.4 trillion dollars…
A sum almost 3 times larger than our defense budget
In 2023 this staggering amount of money flowed into Big Tech companies developing Artificial intelligence…
Such an enormous pile of cash can make corporations ignore warnings
Disregard the dangers of their actions
And hide from the public the truth about what may be the most dangerous technology since the atomic bomb…
If you’ve ever had a bad feeling about artificial intelligence,
Perhaps it is God’s way of warning you that
AI is NOT here for what you think…
See here: https://tinyurl.com/4pz7c7ky
Blinded by the trillion-dollar profits,
Big Tech has no idea of what it has unleashed upon the world.
And they may have already lost control of their own creation
This short documentary exposes 5 shocking facts misguided tech gurus are desperately trying to hide…
Therefore, it could be scrubbed off the internet at any moment.
Click here to watch it right now: https://tinyurl.com/4pz7c7ky
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on ABP TAXI (https://www.abptaxi.com)
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